Richard Vaughan

(Assistant Professor)
Computing Science SFU

SFU Assistant Professor Richard Vaughan directs the Autonomy Laboratory at SFU, which builds life-like machines and whose goal is to increase the autonomy (i.e. freedom of action and energy management) of robots and other machines. He is currently collaborating with fellow SFU professors Dr. Henry Daniel and Dr. Ted Kirkpatrick in conjunction with SFU's Autonomy Lab on the 2006-07 SSHRC Funded "Intelligent Dancing Machines" project to create a performance blending robot and human. The three are also collaborating within the framework of SFU Transnet that brings together sciences and the arts.

Recent Publications, Performances or Presentations

1) Mottaghi, Roozbeh and Richard T. Vaughan. “An integrated particle filter and potential field method applied to cooperative multi-robot target tracking.” Autonomous Robots, 23(1): 19-35, July 2007.
2) Vaughan, Richrd T., Andrew Howard, et al. “Lost: Localization-space trails for robot teams.” IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 18(5): 796-812, 2002.
3) Vaughan, Richard T. and Brian Gerkey. “Really reused robot code from the player/stage project.” Software Engineering for Experimental Robotics. Ed. Davide Brugali. Springer, 2007.