Markus Hallensleben

(Assistant Professor)

Professor Hallensleben is the Head-Organizer of the workshop. His research interests include nineteenth- to twenty-first-century Austrian and German literature, European avantgarde movements and aesthetics, as well as images of the body in literature, art performances, and tissue engineering. He published a monograph on the German-Jewish avant-garde writer and performer Else Lasker-Schüler (2000) and coedited two volumes on cultural studies theory, rhetoric and media (2003 & 2004). In his current research project From Naturalism to Bio Art: Body Figurations in 20th Century Avant-Garde Literature, Art Performances, and Bio-Sciences (funded by the UBC Hampton Research Grant) he investigates the double-bind imagery of avant-garde aesthetics by analyzing body metaphors in literature, sciences, and art.

Recent Publications, Performances or Presentations

1) "Mapping the Body Space between Gender and Grammar: VALIE EXPORT's Body Configurations." Austrian Culture Series. New York: Peter Lang Publ. (under review)
2) "To Be Educated Is to Become a Harlequin: Cross-Skinning as Carnivalesque Hybridity in Michel Serres, Hannah Höch's Dada and Orlan's Body Art." Gender and Laughter: Comic Affirmation and Subversion in Traditional and Modern Media. Eds. Andreas Böhn, Stefan Horlacher, Gaby Pailer and Ulrich Scheck. Amsterdam; New York: Rodopi, 2008 (in press).
3) "From Rilke to Stelarc: Cross-Mapping Body Figurations in Early 20th Century German Literature with Early 21st Century Body Performances." Seminar 43.4 (2007): 441-52.