Jutta Eming

(Assistant Professor)

Professor Eming is a medievalist and early modernist, with a strong interest in theory and interdisciplinary work. Her research and teaching focuses on German and (to a degree) French Medieval and Early Modern Literature, especially courtly novels, love and adventure novels, short stories, and religious drama. Her theoretical interest includes concepts of emotions, the body and performativity; media history and theories of incest; concepts of the marvelous and the fantastic; genre theory, gender, and psychoanalytical approaches to literature. She is currently working on cultures of emotions in the Tristan novels and on the relationship between language and violence in Medieval passion plays.


Recent Publications, Performances and Presentations

1) "Der charismatische Körper im höfischen Roman. Strukturen homoerotischen Begehrens im Prosa-Lancelot," Körperkonzepte im arthurischen Roman, ed. Friedrich Wolfzettel, Tübingen: Niemeyer, 2007. 3-20.
2) Emotion und Expression. Untersuchungen zu deutschen und französischen Liebes-und Abenteuerromanen des 12.-16. Jahrhunderts, Berlin/New York: De Gruyter 2006.
3) (co-authored with Constanze Bausch et al.): "Begehrende Körper und verkörpertes Begehren. Interdisziplinäre Studien zu Performativität und gender", Paragrana. Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 1/13 2004. (Praktiken des Performativen, ed. Erika Fischer-Lichte and Christoph Wulf, Berlin: Akademie Verlag 2004): 251-309.